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  • Writer's pictureJuxta Sprague

I've got a website!

Good news everyone! I have just put the preliminary touches on my website, which you are likely reading this post on. I've made this website to serve as my portfolio as well as a place for me to advertise my services.

A stock photo of some html code I found to make this post more visually appealing.

It's a little rough around the edges (I still need to finish a few pages) but the barebones of the site are put together. I've backfilled a number of my portfolio items as blog posts so everything prior to this post has been retroactively added to the website and backdated their posting date to more accurately represent when those projects were completed.

I've got some up and coming projects this summer that I'm excited to get going on and with this website I'll finally have a place to really showcase my work. If you're interested in staying up to date on what I'm doing, feel free to join my mailing list, I'm gonna try and figure out how to send semi-regular updates straight to your inbox so that you don't have to remember to visit my website.

This website is a small piece of what I'm working on right now towards actually building my own business. I've been taking on more projects, investing in equipment, building out my professional network, and even getting paid (though not enough to live off of yet)!

I'll make more blog posts soon to go into more detail about what I'm up to, but for today I just needed to let you know that I've got a website!

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